Sunday, August 26, 2007

McClellan Butte

8.8-miles rt, 3800 ft gain

Somehow I haven't done enough hiking this summer. Feels great walking on hiking trails again.

It's a drizzling. Not much view when I was hiking. But it was good that it's cool for a tough hiking.

Tried to climb the scramble but wasn't successful. Rocks are a bit slippery after rain and I think I made the right decision to give up.

Saw a mountain goat rushed across the trail.

Saw a contract worker repairing the trail on a cute machine just below the scramble.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Lake Dorothy

Wenjuan and I
6.0 miles, 950 ft gain

Lake Dorothy is a great place for family hiking or first time back backing.
Trail is relatively easy and well maintained. Lake Dorothy is big. One can also explore the lakes further away. The only drawback is that one needs to drive a lot on unpaved road.

Beautiful Lake Dorothy