Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mail Box Peak

July 22, 2007
11:15 - 1:45 --- 2:15- 3:45

It's a cool and drizzling day. Perfect to have a tough hike.

The first hour was always challenging. After that, I felt I could walk forever. The last part out of the forest was also tough. My legs felt very very heavy.

There is always a letter for me in the mail box stating that my health would be fine for the year. I need to go there to pick up the letter every year.

Mt. Rainier Spray Park

July 15

It's long drive with about 17 miles on dirt road.

Whether wasn't good. Mt. Rainier hided behind clouds. Spray Fall was really impressive. The flowers of Spray Park definitely lived up with their reputation.

Trail is not hard at all. Good for family activity. Should try this trail in a better day.

Mt. Rainier Sunrise

July 8

We left home around 9:30. Interestingly, we met Wang Bin's family at the fee booth towards the Sunrise visitor center. Once we arrived at Sunrise, instead of hiking, we had a nice picnic with them.

After that, we had a little hiking around. Starting at the visitor center, we walked towards Frozen lake and come back in roughly two hours.

Whether was not bad. Clouds moved around the peak of Mt. Rainier. We saw a deer and a marmot.