Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mt. Si

Apr. 28, 2007
10:00AM -- 3:30 PM
8 miles rt and 3700ft

A serious hike after a long time. Climbed to the very top.

Met ZHikers and knew some new friends along the way.
Snoqualmie River (taken on Mt. Si summit using the Cannon S3 IS)Zhikers

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Poo Poo Point

Apr. 8, 2007
1 hour 20 minutes up

Whether is just great when we arrive on top of the Mountain about 12:10. Views are spectacular. One can see clearly bellevue down town, Sammamish Lake, Olympia Range. From one picture I take, it seems that the Space Needle in Seattle can be seen.

So many people were playing glider. We saw two people actually taking off.
View at Poo Poo Point
